Are Bed Bugs In Dallas Dangerous?

A bed bug crawling in a carpet

It’s not common knowledge that bed bugs pose various medical threats. Continue reading to learn how these insects can impact your health, and what Lonestar Safe Pest can do to get rid of them in Dallas.

If someone were to create a list of all the reasons why bed bugs are terrible, it would probably be lengthy. At the top of the list would be how they seem to come out of thin air. Most people can’t figure out how bed bugs get indoors. The next item anticipated is how they fester in bedding. Just thinking about sleeping on an infested mattress could make your skin crawl. Logically, what follows is how they bite you while you’re resting and suck your blood without detection. This results in little itchy bumps. The fact that bed bugs are almost impossible to eliminate would certainly make the top five as well. The scary part is they’re even more harmful than all of that.

How Do You Get Bed Bugs?

Since bed bugs only feed on blood, they stay in locations where they can get an endless supply. Hotels, hospitals, offices, and schools are some of the public places that usually have issues with these insects. These spots are full of fleshly humans. The critters will sneak into clothes, luggage, purses, and other personal bags. You won’t know that they’re with you when you return home. After which, they’ll quietly walk off to:

  • Wood Trim
  • Wallpaper
  • Flooring
  • Electronics
  • Appliances
  • Fabrics
  • Upholstery
  • Couches

In the blink of an eye, you could have an infestation. Bed bugs reproduce with great speed. Indicators are bites, stains, and unpleasant smells. Bites tend to look like an outbreak of a rash. They will be red and grouped together or formed in a line. You might also spot blood spots and similar reddish-brown smudges on surfaces and fabrics, where the insects congregate. Also, expect to see black or brown fecal marks that seem powdery. Mustiness is the predominant odor brought on by a bed bug infestation.

The most prevalent bed bugs are ¼ of an inch long, and reddish-brown. They have a strange-looking midsection between their round heads and abdomens. The bottom section is much bigger than the top. These critters also have six legs and two antennas. If you look closely at the affected areas, you might see their pearly white eggs and/or translucent young.

What Are The Risks of Bed Bugs?

Currently, bed bugs aren’t considered carriers of disease. That’s not to say that their presence can’t lead to other types of health complications. These insects cause the following:

Secondary Infections

Scratching bites often produce small cuts. That leaves the skin open to bacteria and subsequent infections, such as ecthyma, lymphangitis, and impetigo.

Allergic Reactions

One could be nauseous, have trouble breathing, or have inflammation of the skin if they are allergic to bed bugs.


With high-level infestations, bed bugs could be draining so much blood from humans that it results in anemia. Primary symptoms include lightheadedness and headache, severe fatigue, body weakness, and pale skin.

Mental Health Worries

When bed bugs are around, it naturally arouses anxiety. Not being able to get proper sleep can develop into insomnia.

What Can Lonestar Safe Pest Do About Bed Bugs?

Bearing in mind how bed bugs travel, it’s tough to prevent them. For extermination, each and every bed bug in all stages of life must be removed. Conquering these insects is a nearly impossible task for the average person. Thankfully, it will be simple for us at Lonestar Safe Pest.

We have proficient technicians, advanced equipment, and specialty treatments. Bed bugs necessitate curated care, and we’re prepared to provide that. Our products are safe for humans and pets, and our plan options are easy on the wallet. Call us today to learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control services!