The Best Mosquito Protection For Your Dallas Property

A close up image of a mosquito biting a hand

Mosquitoes are known for causing aggravation among those engaging in outdoor activities. Most of those bitten by mosquitoes experience mild symptoms such as a patch of red and itchy skin. However, they also pose a variety of risks to human health, including the Zika virus, malaria, dengue fever, and other concerns. To make matters worse, mosquitoes can breed rapidly, and expand their presence.

What Types Of Things Will Attract Mosquitoes?

  • The females lay their eggs in standing water; therefore, areas with groundwater such as ponds and marshes are typically home to mosquitoes. 
  • Mosquitoes will notice the presence of humans by detecting the carbon dioxide we emit. Studies have also suggested that mosquitoes are attracted to pregnant women and those with Type O blood. 

Best Practices In Preventing Them

  • Remove any objects from the exterior that could hold pools of standing water, including flower pots, kiddie pools, old tires, and other unnecessary clutter. 
  • Regularly change the water in bird baths to eliminate any mosquito eggs, and promptly repair leaky spigots or hoses that can create significant moisture.
  • Maintain your property by cutting the lawn, removing weeds, keeping excessive vegetation trimmed, and ensuring gutters and downspouts are clear. 

Best Ways To Avoid Mosquito Bites

Those who are planning to participate in outdoor activities during the warmest months of the year should avoid the hours around dusk and dawn when these pests are most active. Wear long-sleeved shirts and full-length pants to minimize direct skin exposure. Use an EPA-approved insect repellent, such as products that contain DEET, Picaridin, or IR3535 to discourage mosquitoes. 

Why Is Having Assistance From A Pest Control Professional Important?

Some property owners initially ignore problems with mosquitoes, and many people think that nothing can be done to limit them. Once mosquitoes find that your property is accommodating, they tend to begin reproducing and the problem quickly worsens. Other individuals will attempt to use fabled home remedies that purportedly repel these pests or try some of the gimmicky products being sold today, including candles, lanterns, and traps that produce little or no results. 
Contacting a local professional pest controller is the best way of responding to problems such as those associated with termites, bed bugs, rodents, and other unwanted and potentially harmful pests. An experienced technician can closely assess the interior and exterior areas of the premises to accurately determine the best treatment option. The specialist may also find certain existing property conditions that make you vulnerable to future intrusions by pests. 

Leading Pest Management Company In Dallas

For more than 15 years now, the experts with Lonestar Safe Pest have been solving problems for residential and commercial customers throughout the Dallas area. We are proud to be a family-owned service provider that is committed to the safety of our customers and the local environment. Two of the keys to our success include a commitment to offering high-quality customer service and standing behind the quality of our work with a pest-free guarantee.
For those with immediate pest-related concerns, we now offer same-day services. We look forward to speaking with you to schedule a comprehensive on-site inspection and estimate. Remember to ask about our customizable year-round pest protection plans that have proven to be effective against 27 of the most common pests.