All The Problems Rodents Can Cause In Your Fort Worth Home

A close up image of a brown rat crawling on the ground

In the middle of the night, you wake up to the sound of scratching in the walls. You find boxes of your family keepsakes shredded, and it looks like something's been chewing on your drywall. Sorry to tell you, but you've got a rodent problem.

Rodents can be a real danger to your health and safety. They may look cute, but once these pests take up residence in your home, they can destroy your belongings, and property, and even spread diseases to you and your family. Here are some of the culprits behind your rodent problem in Fort Worth.

Types Of Rodents In Fort Worth

House Mice

House mice are the most common pest rodent. You can identify them by their grayish-brown coloration, pointed snouts, and small size. House mice typically have two to three-inch bodies with three-quarter-inch tails. A female house mouse can give birth to up to 35 babies a year, causing an infestation to grow rapidly.

Norway Rats

Norway rats, also known as street rats or sewer rats, are a much bigger problem than house mice — literally. Norway rats grow to over one foot in length, although some can grow even larger. You can identify them by their bristly brown fur, small ears and eyes, and a thick, scaly tail.

Roof Rats

Roof rats have smaller bodies than Norway rats, but still pose a threat to your property. Also known as black rats or ship rats, roof rats prefer an elevated environment and will usually seek shelter in the upper parts of buildings and houses. These rodents have a black or brown coloration, and especially long tails, usually longer than the length of their body.

Dangers Of Having Rodents In Your Home

Property Damage

Rodents like mice and rats spread diseases and are very destructive. All rodents have teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives. In order to keep their teeth trimmed, rodents must constantly gnaw on whatever they can.

The chewing habits of a rodent may be fine out in the wilderness, but gnawing becomes a problem once inside your property. Rodents can damage your belongings and your property alike. For pests like roof rats that prefer elevated spaces, your attic is the perfect hangout. And if you store family keepsakes and heirlooms in boxes there, you're bound to find rodents chewing them up.

Rodents will not hesitate to gnaw on your property's structural elements too, like wooden beams, drywall, or even electrical wires. And when electrical wiring is frayed and exposed, it can potentially start a fire.

Health Hazards

Beyond damage to your property, rodents like rats and mice pose a threat to your health. Mice and rats carry parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites, as well as a number of diseases that they can transmit to humans.


Exposure to rodent droppings can infect you and your family with salmonella. This bacterial infection can cause fever, intestinal distress, and pain. Salmonella is rarely lethal but can still cause debilitating illness, especially in children.


Lymphocytic choriomeningitis or LCM is a disease commonly carried by house mice. This disease attacks the central nervous system, sometimes resulting in permanent damage. LCM is rarely fatal but often requires hospitalization.


It might seem like a tale from the Middle Ages, but the plague is still around today. The fleas that rats carry can spread plague germs through their bites. With proper antibiotic treatment, the plague is very curable, but this serious disease can lead to severe illness or even death without treatment.

The safest, most effective way to deal with your rodent problem in Fort Worth is to call the experts at Lonestar Safe Pest. Lonestar Safe Pest has over 15 years of experience serving the Dallas & Fort Worth area with organic and traditional pest control methods. If you believe you have a rodent infestation on your property, don't wait. Get in touch with Lonestar Safe Pest today.