Cricket Identification & Prevention

What are crickets?

Crickets are insects related to grasshoppers and katydids. They are most well known for having large, powerful back legs that they use for jumping. Crickets are omnivores and feed on a variety of decaying plants and animals. Depending on their species, crickets range in color from green to yellow to brown, some with darker stripes or other markings. They have cylindrical bodies, round heads, and antennae that are as long or longer than their bodies. Young crickets or nymphs look like the adults but are smaller and are wingless. Crickets are also well-known for the “chirping” sound that some species make; males make this sound by rubbing their wings together as a way to attract females. Dallas pest control professionals can help you identify and control crickets around your home.

a cricket crawling on the carpet floor inside of a home

Are crickets dangerous?

Crickets are unwanted pests and should not be allowed to live inside of any home for several reasons. Crickets damage items inside your home by chewing holes in furniture, curtains, clothing, and rugs, as well as houseplants. If provoked or handled, crickets may deliver a painful bite as a means of defense; also, though not a significant risk, crickets can carry bacteria and parasites on their bodies that can make people ill.

Why do I have a cricket problem?

Light attracts crickets; they gather together under exterior lights on decks, porches, or the street. They also live outside in damp areas close to the perimeter of homes and other buildings. Crickets usually move inside through openings in the foundation, exterior walls, and spaces under doors. They typically come indoors to escape hot, dry, or cold weather. Crickets also find their way inside while searching for food sources.

Where will I find crickets?

Crickets are most active, foraging for food at night. During the day, they hide in damp, dark locations. Outside crickets live in places like caves, shrubs, trees, tall grass, and under mulch, rocks, and woodpiles. Basements, crawlspaces, and laundry rooms are common indoor hiding places for crickets. Despite sometimes hearing their chirping sounds, crickets are difficult to find and eliminate from homes because they hide in such hard to reach areas.

How do I get rid of crickets?

For Texans looking for exceptional pest control services in McKinney, Fort Worth, and our surrounding DFW service areas, turn to the locally owned and operated experts at Lonestar Safe Pest. We take pride in offering our residential and commercial pest control customers excellent customer service; customer satisfaction is our number one goal. Our experienced professionals understand the pest pressures Texas home and business owners face each day.

At Lonestar Safe Pest, we will work with you to eliminate pests from your property once and for all, using our modern pest control solutions. If you would like to learn more about our home pest control or commercial pest control services, reach out to Lonestar Safe Pest today!

How can I prevent crickets in the future?

Protect your Texas property from crickets with a combination of our professional cricket control services and these helpful prevention tips:

  • Get rid of fallen trees, tree stumps, and excess piles of debris from your yard.
  • Place woodpiles away from the outside walls of your house.
  • Dry out basements by using dehumidifiers.
  • Put door sweeps on basement doors.
  • Keep your lawn mowed short.
  • Make sure crawlspaces are well ventilated.
  • Inspect plants for crickets before bringing them indoors.
  • Eliminate entry points by sealing cracks in the foundation and exterior walls.
  • Reduce areas of overgrown vegetation, especially any located near the exterior of your home.

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