Silverfish Identification & Prevention

What are silverfish?

Silverfish are odd-looking insects, identified by a three-pronged appendage that extends off their hind ends; this unique appendage is why they are also called bristletails. An adult’s teardrop-shaped body grows to about 3/4 of an inch long, and is covered in silvery scales – causing it to have a shiny, shimmery appearance. Silverfish also have long, threadlike antennae. These insects are wingless but move from place to place using a wriggling, fish-like motion. Silverfish are voracious eaters, feeding on things that are high in starch and cellulose, along with some proteins. Dallas, TX pest experts can help you identify and prevent a silverfish infestation.

a silverfish crawling on a book inside of a home

Are silverfish dangerous?

Silverfish are not dangerous pests, but certainly are annoying to deal with when they are scurrying around your house. Although silverfish don’t cause harm to people, they do cause some problems when they get into our homes. For one, they have the habit of feeding on clothing, curtains, upholstered furniture, and paper items. Also, silverfish feed on and contaminate pantry items, including flour, pasta, potatoes, and dried beef.

Why do I have a silverfish problem?

Silverfish have high humidity needs and live outside in areas of high moisture. You’ll find them living under mulch and damp soil located near the foundations of buildings. If the weather changes and becomes too hot and dry, they will move inside homes and other structures through spaces in foundations and under basement doors. These insects can also be carried in on objects that have been outside and then brought indoors like potted plants, boxes, newspapers, and furniture.

Where will I find silverfish?

Silverfish are generally outdoor pests that live outside in dark, damp areas that meet their moisture requirements. They live under rocks, mulch, dense vegetation, and woodpiles. They also will seek refuge under trash cans, compost bins, and landscape ties. Those that have moved inside while searching for shelter from harsh weather conditions move into areas of a home that tend to have moisture problems such as basements, crawlspaces, laundry rooms, and bathrooms. These insects are opportunistic and can become a problem in a variety of structures, including homes, schools, museums, and libraries.

How do I get rid of silverfish?

For Texans looking for exceptional pest control services, turn to the locally owned and operated experts at Lonestar Safe Pest. We take pride in offering our residential and commercial pest control customers excellent customer service; customer satisfaction is our number one goal. Our experienced professionals understand the pest pressures Texas home and business owners face each day.

At Lonestar Safe Pest, we will work with you to eliminate pests from your property once and for all, using our modern pest control solutions. If you would like to learn more about our home pest control or commercial pest control services, reach out to Lonestar Safe Pest today!

How can I prevent silverfish in the future?

Protect your Texas property from silverfish with a combination of our professional silverfish control services and our helpful prevention tips:

  • Get rid of old piles of books, magazines, and other paper items from your home.
  • Store all dry goods in plastic or glass containers with airtight lids.
  • Remove moldy or wet wood from your home.
  • Repair leaky pipes and faucets.
  • Place door sweeps on basement doors.
  • Use a dehumidifier in your home to reduce moisture levels.
  • Cut shrubs and bushes back away from the exterior of your home.
  • Inspect items that were once stored outside for silverfish before bringing them inside.

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