The Best Way To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Dallas Home

spider crawling in web inside home

What is it about spiders that cause so much dread? Is it their appearance? The way they move? Their strange web-spinning abilities? For many people, it’s all of the above. While most spiders that inhabit homes aren’t actually dangerous, that doesn’t mean anybody wants a house full of spiders. So, if you want to know the best way to keep spiders out of your Dallas home, keep reading.

Types Of Spiders In Dallas

There are believed to be more than 80 unique spider species that call Texas home, but only a few are common invaders of Dallas homes.

Wolf spiders: As their name suggests, wolf spiders are fearsome, hairy arachnids who prefer to hunt their prey on foot rather than luring them into a web. These spiders can range in size from ½ inch to 5 inches in diameter and typically have a grayish coloration. Wolf spiders are known for their speed and can be aggressive if confronted. They can deliver a painful bite but are not deadly.

Black widow spiders: Black widows like to build their webs in areas without much human traffic and can be found in out of reach areas in basements and attics. These infamous spiders can be identified by their jet black color and distinct red hourglass pattern on their underside. Black widows are highly venomous but rarely deadly.

House spiders: The common house spider is probably the most frequently found spider on Dallas properties. They are more likely to infest areas like garages and sheds with high humidity and lots of prey than a modern home. House spiders are known as a nuisance for the many webs they weave and abandon as they hunt for other bugs. They are usually yellowish-brown in coloration with dark striations on their legs.

Brown recluse spiders: Like black widows, brown recluse spiders prefer to live in secluded areas. They are known for their fiddle-shaped markings but can often be mistaken for other similar species. Brown recluse spiders have a solid tan or light brown coloration with six eyes separated into pairs of two, and measure between 1/4 and 3/4 inches in size. The venom in a brown recluse bite can cause a severe reaction that requires medical attention.

Why Do I Have Spiders In My Home?

Spiders can be attracted to your home for a number of reasons. Many species, like the house spider, prefer to live in dank, humid environments. Excessive moisture and humidity can be attractive to spiders, which is why they are so often found in basements where moisture accumulates.

But most likely, if a spider wanders into your home and establishes itself, it’s probably because there’s a reliable food source of prey insects to feed on. In a way, spiders can be sort of a canary in the coal mine when it comes to detecting other pests. If you’re finding lots of spiders on your property, it’s almost certainly a sign that there is an existing infestation of prey insects attracting them.

How To Keep Spiders Out

There are a few simple things you can do to keep spiders out of your home:

  • Keep a clean house. Make sure that the bugs that spiders feed on aren’t attracted to your home. Clean the areas where you eat and prepare food regularly, take out the trash often, and don’t leave dishes in the sink overnight.
  • Reduce moisture. Fix any leaky pipes or fixtures that might cause water to accumulate around your property. Clear gutters and drains to prevent moisture from collecting around walls and floors.
  • Declutter your basement. Look for cluttered areas where spiders might hide and try to remove them if possible. Many spiders don’t like being out in the open and prefer to live in covered areas.
  • Seal entrances. Look for tears in window screens, cracks in the foundation, and gaps around doorways and windows. Patch any tears and fill openings or cracks with caulk.

The best way to handle a spider infestation in your home is to call the experts at Lonestar Safe Pest. When you choose our residential pest control plan, we’ll remove the webs around your property and treat your home for protection against spiders and the pests they prey on. If spiders are causing you trouble in Dallas, get in touch with us today.