How To Keep Rats Out Of Your Fort Worth Home

rat eating outside

Rats are rodents that exist worldwide in more than 50 species that function primarily as scavengers. In natural environments, rats will commonly eat plants, seeds, and fruits; however, they consume humans’ food scraps, including meats and pet food, in residential and urban settings. Rats generally prefer to hide and avoid people while staying close enough to access food, water, and shelter that our homes might provide them.

Rats To Look For In Fort Worth

The two most common rats that homeowners in Fort Worth encounter include Norway rats and roof rats. The body of Norway rats ranges from seven to nine inches with a tail that is nearly as long. They have a heavy body with fur that usually appears brown with a lighter-colored belly. Norway rats are primarily active at ground level, which is where they will enter a property. Roof rats have black fur with a leaner body type and a more pointed nose than Norway rats. As their name suggests, roof rats are agile and are excellent climbers. Both roof rats and Norway rats have hairless tails that play a role in how these creatures naturally regulate their body temperature. 

How Dangerous Are Rats? 

Rats routinely travel through garbage and sewers with exposure to parasites and are known to carry leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, tularemia, and other harmful conditions. When they enter a home, rats will contaminate surfaces and food and leave urine and excrement. As rodents, rats have oversized teeth that constantly grow, which causes them to be chewing on things continuously. This chewing is particularly problematic indoors as these pests may damage wiring, pipes, hoses, and furniture. 

Tips For Preventing Rats 

Our professionals have some suggestions to help keep rats out of your property:

  • Keep tree branches and shrubs trimmed back away from the home’s exterior and roof areas to limit access by roof rats.
  • Closely inspect the property’s exterior for holes near the foundation that might allow access and fill them with caulk or sealant.
  • Exterior trash cans should have lids that fit tightly to prevent access. 
  • Promptly remove any fallen fruit.
  • Always remove uneaten pet food from patios, decks, and garage areas and clean up pet droppings in the yard each day.

Understanding The Importance Of Having A Professional Pest Controller 

Many property owners mistakenly purchase mass-marketed do-it-yourself treatment options online or in retail stores. Some of the sprays, powders, traps and baiting systems produce mediocre results and might contain chemicals that adversely interact with other materials. 
The team at Lonestar Safe Pest is trained and properly equipped to handle rats and other wildlife control problems such as squirrels, skunks, and possums. In many cases, we will deploy a humane strategy of trapping these creatures using live traps and relocate them to a natural habitat far away from your home. Even after the existing rodents have been expelled, we acknowledge that our work is not yet finished. 

We recognize the importance of properly cleaning and sanitizing the areas that the rodents have contaminated with urine, fecal matter, etc. Our technicians will then determine the entry points or property conditions that initially attracted the rodents. At the same time, we will also look for other potential problems that make the premises vulnerable to future invasions from these and other types of unwanted pests. 

Licensed Provider Of Pest Control Solutions In Fort Worth 

For more than 15 years now, the team of seasoned professionals with Lonestar Safe Pest has been solving pest control concerns for residential and commercial customers struggling with intrusions. In addition to rodents, our experts also will safely and effectively eliminate critters, including bed bugs, mosquitoes, termites, and many other troublesome and potentially dangerous pests. Keep in mind that we stand behind the quality of our work with a full guarantee. 

Be sure to ask about our residential service plans that provide year-round protection from more than 27 of the most common types of pests that currently plague homeowners in this region. Contact our office for an onsite inspection today.